© doanehoag.com Imagery and content is copyrighted, please respect my work and contact me
if you have any questions, Thank you
I have redesigned this site and also expanded the 3d
Art page on the Galleries page to include the many
new miniatures I have been working on.
Updates: New Websites
I live here on the coast in Carmel by the Sea. There is a never
ending light show that keeps begging me to try to capture the
essences of it in some art form, through photography, painting,
or poetry…. however humbly.
Every place I have lived, from Washington state to Texas to Mexico
was a unique experience and I value them all, each having it’s own
beauty, advantages and disadvantages. Here I try to stay focused
on nature, and ignore the traffic and crowding.
I hope you enjoy sharing some of what I see and have seen, what I
have experienced and tried to take away with me through my
primitive tools of art and technology over the many years, for we
can never truly match what is around us, we can only try to
express the best parts of it and pretend that we, humans, can do
better… maybe that’s what we were put on this earth for…